Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The frothing rants of a school teacher

No, you can't rejoin the drama that you quit yesterday despite the fact that I told you that wasn't even an option.  Why would you even think to ask?

Why?  Why?  Why did you buy this rabbit?  Why did you buy a rabbit while on a school field trip and when your parents do not have the desire to own a rabbit nor the skills to keep it alive? 

Why was this allowed by your school chaperone? 

Now you bring the rabbit to me, asking me to care for your malnurished, disease ridden vampire rabbit from hell that looks like it's coming down off of a meth binge and needs a fix.  My rabbit finds it creepy, and I feel like a jerk for the fact that I do, too, and it's not the little bunny's fault. 

Do you have any idea how many hours I spent creating, printing, copying, and stapling that reading that you lost?  Are you aware of the full range of consequences created by your losing it?  I now have to waste my time, the school secretary's time, your time, and class time to go get an original and send someone off to get it copied.  We're wasting paper and toner as well, by the way... things that not only don't come cheap, but are slow to be replaced.  My patience is also dwindling, and that's bad for all of us.  All.  Of.  Us. 

How is it that you can be given the answers to a worksheet and STILL.  GET.  IT. WRONG.

Woman.  Is there honestly nothing that you can do to TRY, just TRY to make this class have some merit for your charge?  Yeah, he's going to be spacey.  He has a developmental disorder.  But - and correct me if I'm wrong - you do NOT have a developmental disorder, right?  So presumably you could try to get him engaged in the lesson in some way?  That is your ONLY job, yes?  Stop just doing his work yourself.  I think that you are missing the point of your presence here entirely.


Just had to get that out.

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