Friday, July 23, 2010

Let the countdown begin...

My flight is set. On August 31, I leave the US. That is 39 days from today... actually, closer to 38 1/2 considering my flight time.

I'm finding it difficult to balance my need to be productive and my desire to make the most of the last bit of time I have in the world that I've created here and the people who inhabit it. I scammed an intern the other day to get one of my friends out of some late night work so that she could join me on a night out. Maybe not 'scammed' - I came clean minutes in, and found a gift for her - but an illustrative case all the same (and thanks again, Nancy). Here's where I am so far...

I have successfully done the following:

  1. Cancelled my car insurance

  2. Fixed my grill (the one on my face, not my car)

  3. Bought my ticket

  4. Submitted my letter of resignation

  5. Picked a date for my going away party

  6. Surveyed what culturally appropriate clothing I own

  7. Purchased some of what I lack, clothing-wise

  8. Scheduled a last hair cut

  9. Reading the daily news on my destination

  10. Changed my address on my driver's license

  11. Set up skype and this blog to stay connected with my folks

Things I have yet to do:

  1. Buy random needs (converter, hard-to-get toiletries, calendar, journal, other clothing items, medicines I'll want...)

  2. Other car stuff (inspection and registration so that while it sits lame it's legal for the random joyrides my mum may want to go on)

  3. Computer stuff (get music off my old laptop, fix keyboard on my new one)

  4. Financial ducks in a row (anyone have a rifle?)

  5. Wedding prep for my albino doppelganger - pick dress, get altered, buy work out dvds so that my size doesn't change considering I'll get back with little time before the wedding

Diversions I haven't been able to avoid:

  1. Greenbeltin

  2. Thursday night social rides (why did I just now discover the joy of biking?)

  3. Double Down II All Ladies Alleycat race with my ladies

  4. Wine.down Wednesday with more ladies

  5. Watching netflix excessively while I still have access to it

  6. Not doing my laundry or cleaning my room

We'll see how these next 39 days go...